Friday, March 18, 2011

International Week Workshop & TAF: /Experimental studio for //streaming 3-D TV as an immersive live cinema/*

 Workshop held by Jänis Garancs, Liepaja University

Development of several experimental modules that can function and be integrated as interactive TV, multimedia Karaoke, 3-D VJ-ing, immersive gaming environment.

It is intended as a hybrid (modular) environment that shares physical and virtual spaces for distributed groups of people, eventually collaborating over a longer period of time.
The modules can range from (in its simplest form) a laptop with a web cam, or to a specially equipped ‘info-kiosk (box/booth), to a large immersive multimedia installation e.g. using 3-D stereoscopic projections and multi-channel (surround or 3-D) sound, Internet database components. The modules hopefully would be capable to be integrated into a larger, inter-connected system.

After the establishment of basic common module principles and mapping of interests, we would work in small parallel groups (2-5 people) and share the results in series of mutual presentations.

We could experiment with any hardware/software platform that allows involve multiple video cameras, game pads, Xbox Kinect Sensor, Wii Remote, MIDI capable video-mixers, sensors and controllers - and can share audiovisual and MIDI data to other intended modules.
Software components could be students' preferred programming environments (on their own responsibility), but the workshop tutor can offer expertise and assistance in VRML/X3D software programming.


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