Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Korean Wave at TAF - Korean aalto TAFfissa

From Swallow by Kang Dayoung
One of the partner delegations visiting our International Week is the group of professors and students coming from the Chung-Ang University, the Korean top university for photography.

The guests bring with them the Korean Wave photography exhibition. The exhibition has already been shown last year at Month of Photography in Bratislava, Slovakia and will be seen later this year at Galerie Lampingstrasse, Bielefeld, Germany.

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Yksi TAMKin Tampere Art Factory -festivaalin näyttelyistä on Chung-Ang yliopiston (Seoul) opiskelijoiden valokuvanäyttely Korean aalto - Korean Wave. Näyttely on jo vieraillut viime vuonna Slovakian Bratislavassa ja jatkaa Tampereelta Saksan Bielefeldtiin.



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