This story was originally published on TAMK School of Art and Media blog May 11 2009
The International Week of TAMK School of Art and Media really started this morning, most international guests arrived yesterday. The workshops of the week are:
- Responsive & Reactive Moving Image Workshop by Robert Brecevic, Performing Pictures of Interactive Institute (SE)
- Interactive VJ Workshop Nou & Herkauw by Adri Schokker and Frauke Lehberger, Academy of Pop Culture (NL)
- Editing Workshop by Elie Yazbeck, Institut d'études scéniques, audiovisuelles et cinématographiques (LB)
- Animation Workshop by Algimantas Taujanskas, Vilnius College of Technologies and Design
- "Silence is Golden" Photo Workshop, Alexander Lembke, Faculty of Media Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (DE)
On Wednesday there is additionally a series of presentations:
- Heli Tuksam, Tartu Art College will have a presentation on Tartu Art College and the student projects
- Aija Druvaskalne-Urdze, Liepaja University New Media Art Programme Presentation
- EUROPRIX Multimedia Art, Rainer Steindler
, International Center for New Media
- Interactive Movies? Why and How? Chris Hales, SmartLab
- Academy of Popculture, Adri Schokker
- Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Aleksander Lembke
- Aija Druvaskalne-Urdze, Liepaja University New Media Art Programme
- René Lansink, Utrecht School of the Arts (About the Crash Project )
- Alex Reuneker and Patrick Deters Haagse Hogeschool, Academie voor ICT & Media, Communication & Multimedia Design
- Albert van der Kooij, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Academy of Popculture (About the Island Festival)
- Eric Wolf and Gulleik Lövskar, Listaháskóli Íslands
- Chris Hales, SmartLab, University of East London
- Wesa Aapro, TAMK (About Demola)
- Juho Hartikainen, TAMK (About Game Development Club Score)
- Jukka Siltanen, TAMK (About proAcademy)
- Leena Mäkelä, Head of TAMK Film and Television Programme
- Juha Suonpää, Head of TAMK Fine Arts Programme
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